Deepest Understanding of the Creative Force(s)

Bleezy DaInfinite (EternalMe)
4 min readFeb 13, 2022
Photo by Aldebaran S on Unsplash

My newest understanding of God, The Creative Forces, The Benevolent Being that loves us all & wants us to be beautiful creators of Love & Light; God with upper case G, whatever you want, like whatever you want to call it… Most people’s visualization in their mind is…, it’s…

Put it like this, OK…; if you see, hear, or in any way conceive or perceive in some way of whatever term it is that you deem is the highest of higher power, as in the one that love us all… Whatever you particularly want to call it. With that being clarified, for the sake of this argument, I’m going to keep it simple & say God — upper case G. When people…; If a person…

If when you see that word or think of that word or better yet, if you even have a set of ideas; like when you see or hear that word, you have something that comes to mind: be it visual, mental, conceptual or otherwise; you have got to reevaluate the Word/word. And regardless what your spiritual text is… I think all of them at some point, whether its the Bible, Koran, Torah, etc. I feel pretty sure this one’s a common one all across the board…: is that the actual name of God is something that can’t be spoken, said, named. And what it is, how it is, & everything about the creator cannot be fathomed by the human mind. Meaning, anything that we can think of, conceive, perceive, fathom at all will still not be anywhere close to what it really is.

Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

So if when you see or say that word, you have some sore of idea or anything that you relate it to in the mind, you’re not understanding what our God truly is; like the creator. The real God of the Father of the Universe that made this thing we live in with the Mother Sophia of the Universe that they conveniently leave out of a goddamn time.

…Its not something that our mind is ever meant to fully grasp as a concept or an idea. Here’s the best I can do as of writing this & recording this. I believe the following to be at least some Truth in the essence of the Creator & Us, the living creations. Same as with my dead loved ones, same for anyone’s dead loved ones, same for any spirit that goes back into the All That Is & the One Consciousness of Source, Light, & Love is that things and the characteristics of those things, the way things are when they happen such as the flow of water, the sound of fire, the feel of the wind, the change in the wind, that the warmth you get when somebody gives you the gift you wanted and you hadn’t told anyone… Things that are just completely Pure in experience & in what they create inside you, feelings, emotions, etc…

Those things…that’s the Source Spirit, that’s God, that’s The Creator. The way I feel recording this & writing this hoping that someone will hear or read this one day; that’s The Creator. Like the complete opposite of the ego. We’re able to feel the ego you’re able to feel The Creator too.

Here’s another one I’ve come up with: everywhere that we look that we see as empty space, or void, or nothing or any synonym or relative term; all that which we see as space is chucked full, crowded, & inhabited by The Creator. God is everywhere, all the time, in a much more grand sense than most religions want to tell you because they’re using it in a more authoritative type of way to hopefully get you to behave the way that they’re certain sect or belief system is hoping you behave. That’s not it though. Everywhere that we think nothing is that is where God is; as well as everywhere that we see things. So it’s much much more than that. And let me be clear, this being or whatever it is does not inhabit all full & empty spaces to observe & to judge; it does this simply to be and experience right along with us, & itself.

Because we are all just an aspect of It directly. The It that we are talking about here being The Creator. You can’t escape it, you can’t get out from under it. Now to where I have been going the whole time. So along my sect of beliefs, the way that we go about our lives, the Here and Now is very very important. It’s what life is all about because it’s all that is ever real. The reason this is because Here, no matter where you are, when you are there, you will always be here, from your perspective. And there is no way possible to ever not be in the moment of Now. You’re always Here & you’re always Now. The Here and The Now are both the strongest expression that I feel of The Creator. saying, “Hey! Right here; right now.”

Maybe Fatboy Slim & Van Halen are on to something. Maybe they knew that, maybe I’m late. Maybe we’re all late…



Bleezy DaInfinite (EternalMe)

A pure writer. I write music, personal journey logs, narratives, & anything from a comedic premise. I am sharing my discoveries into plant medicines & music.