Lateralus Album Clues That Led To A Spiritual Journey Like No Other

The Code That I Believe I Have Cracked

Bleezy DaInfinite (EternalMe)
2 min readDec 17, 2020


Each total, solid piece of music (i.e., songs that are single tracks and/or sets of tracks that cumulatively are a complete piece as well as any track that is paired with the “transition” track that immediately precedes it.) just so happens to break up into ideal lengths for use with this molecule.


  1. “The Grudge” — 8:36

Second {8:20}

2. “Eon Blue Apocalypse” — 1:07

3. “The Patient” — 7:13

Third {8:00}

4. “Mantra” — 1:14

5. “Schism” — 6:46

Fourth {9:11}

6. “Parabol” — 3:06

7. “Parabola” — 6:05


8. “Ticks & Leeches” — 8:08


9. “Lateralus” — 9:24

Final {25:13}

10. “Disposition” — 4:48

11. “Reflection” — 11:10

12. “Triad” — 6:35

13. “Faaip De Oiad” — 2:40


la luz (Spanish) = the light (English)

la — te — ra — luz (Spanish) = the tera light (English)

tera (Latin) = earth and/or summer light (English)

la — te — da — luz (Spanish) = it gives you light (English)

la — te — ra — luz (Latin) = you play the role of La Luz (English)

la luz (Latin) = the light (English)

Dr. Rick Strassman’s outstanding & informative book entitled, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, of which the subject matter is obvious from the title, was released on December 1st, 2000. Less than 6 months later, on May 15th, 2001, TOOL’s third album entitled, “Lateralus” was released.

In the book mentioned above, there is a segment that discusses psychedelic art, “trip-inspired” art, etc. Dr. Strassman speaks of artist Alex Grey, commenting on his work & telling that he has a wonderful piece centered around a DMT molecule. After detailing what the work itself looked like, Dr. Strassman goes on to say that Alex Grey’s work is highly inspired by psychedelics, particularly DMT & that his work does a good job showing the world through the filter of DMT.

The cover of Dr. Strassman’s book is an Alex Grey piece; the cover art chosen for TOOL’s album: also an Alex Grey piece. (which should be noted was the first time the band used work from this artist.)



Bleezy DaInfinite (EternalMe)

A pure writer. I write music, personal journey logs, narratives, & anything from a comedic premise. I am sharing my discoveries into plant medicines & music.